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What is cloud site hosting indeed

Cloud hosting is a very modish expression today. In spite of that, just a few realize what it does in fact represent. The majority of the hosting firms speculate feverishly about services depicted as being 'cloud hosting'. Notably the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting corporations. Because of the absolute deficiency of new marketing ideas, the cPanel web hosts are merely utilizing trendy phrases, striving to entice more web site hosting customers with sleek marketing methods.

cPanel - a one server hosting platform

To put it briefly, cPanel is a one server web hosting platform. A single server serves all web space hosting services concurrently. On the other hand, the cloud hosting platform necessitates each separate hosting service, like storage space, email, FTP, databases, DNS, statistics, web space hosting CP, backup, etc. to be served by several stacks of deluxe servers in a cluster. All the clusters make the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforementioned web hosting services are all being served at the same time by 1 web server. This implies that no 'clouds' can be noticed around cPanel-based web page hosting corporations. Not even one single cloud...

The mammoth marketing deceit with cloud webspace hosting solutions

Be aware of the numerous counterfeit statements guaranteeing you 'cloud hosting' packages, mostly made by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web hosting provider arrogantly alleges that a 'cloud' web hosting service is being provided, check out if it's not a mist or a smog for one thing. Nearly everyone speculates with the term 'cloud', eventually relying on the fact that the majority of the customers are not aware of what it does really stand for.

Let's be more positive and get back to the real cloud hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud website hosting Control Panel platform

Hepsia is a revolutionary cloud webspace hosting solution combined with a modern user-friendly website hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud web hosting platform and the respective webspace hosting CP are conceived by - an acclaimed reseller web hosting merchant from year 2003. Regrettably, it's a quite rare phenomenon to discover a web hosting corporation delivering a cloud web page hosting platform on the market. For unknown reasons, Google favors cPanel-based web page hosting corporations chiefly. This is why we believe it's commendable for those people in search of a web hosting solution to know a little bit more about the Hepsia cloud webspace hosting solution.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud site hosting platform

Each web hosting service dash in Hepsia's 'cloud' is attended to by an autonomous group of servers, devoted solely to the particular service at hand, sharing out the load produced. So, the site hosting CP is being attended to by an autonomous pack of servers, which serve the website hosting Control Panel solely and nothing aside from it. There is another cluster of servers for the mail, one more for the web space, another for the backup, one more for the statistics, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, and so on. All these clusters of web servers run as one complete site hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.

Hepsia-based cloud webspace hosting distributors

The list with the Hepsia-based web hosting companies is not that bulky. The most famous ones on it are ResellersPanel, ticopaginas, NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback and several others.